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Use Google  Comments on Blogger

Google announced today that it is making Google+ comments available on its Blogger service. On Thursday, April 18th, 2013 Yonotan Zunger introduced Google+ comments for Blogger. This was a huge step in offer Google+ comments across the web. At the moment this service is only available through Blogger websites but most expect to see plug-in for Word press in the near future. Readers now want more than just information - they need answers! And you, as a blogger, are responsible for answering them, and defending your content. Blog or Community Readers will talk about your content on a multitude of platforms, such as your blog's comments, or on social media such as Google+ FacebookGoogle has now decided to help out its Blogger users by integrating Google Plus comments into Blogger blogs. Google is Very Slow building upon Google Plus, improving its functionality One by one. Up until now, it had only integrated Google+ share button in Blogger, so you could share to Google Plus right from your Blogger dashboard.


The aim of this new functionality is to provide a means for better conversation. Comments on Blogger and Google + are now integrated. So you will see two types of comments - Blogger comments, and  Google+ Comments. Suppose you or anyone has shared your blog post to their Google+ Page/profile, and people are commenting on it. These comments are Beautifully  integrate to appear in your blogger blog.


Check out the screenshot below.Fountain-screenshot-EN 

Google touts that with Google+ Comments, publishers will find that it provides at least two “important benefits”: being able to view the blog and comments all in one place, and also to help readers comment and connect with their circles. Publishers that enable the new commenting system will see people’s activity from those directly on the site and those who are talking about the content right from Google+. Additionally, readers can leave comments specifically for those in their circle or in public depending on how comfortable they feel. In a way, the specific visibility option given by Google+, which does not appear to be on other commenting platforms. So if you’re particularly fascinated by a certain story, being able to comment but leave it to your close friends or those that you know would be fascinated by the dialogue, you can.


Another great +1 of this new integration is that, you can grow your Audience. Just like Post shared on Facebook or Google + gains reach beyond your fan-base, so do the comments that users make about your blog post. These comments appear in the Google plus comments feed of people in the shared circle. In this way, you could build a Thousands new audience and increase traffic to your blog by just taking advantage of this integration.

How to activate..

To get started with Google+ Comments, just visit the Google+ tab of your Blogger Dashboard, and check “Use Google+ Comments.” (Older comments will continue to appear in the new widget.)

You can also visit any post on the Official Google Blog (like this one), or on Blogger Buzz (like this one), to see Google+ Comments in action. Thanks for reading our post. Stay tuned to Google Plus Daily for future updates with Word press Google+ comments plug-in. The comments have been available for less than 24 hours but there are some things you will want to consider before jumping in head first.

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Are you using Blogger/Blogspot platform for your Internet World? Are you web developer who builds templates for others, or a internet-savvy blog

owner who loves to modify your template using HTML, CSS or JavaScript then here is a good news for all, Recently Blogger Team has just updatedthe blogger Template HTML editor, and added 4 new features to make Template Editing Even Better.


I was really surprised and impressed when I first click on the Blogger Template HTML editor today. It look really different. Now it has better interface, really friendly, easy to edit, easy to use, and much more. If you have a blog running on Blogger platform then you should try out this new Blogger template.

The Blogger Template HTML editor lets you edit your website's source code, and tweak it to your liking. If you know HTML, CSS and/or JavaScript, you can fully customize it as your wish. To get to this HTML editor, go to your Blogger dashboard, and open the blog you want to customize the template. From the Blog dashboard, click on the Template option from the left sidebar, and then click on Edit HTML button.



What’s new in the Template Editor

Line Numbering:-  Now, you can see line numbers on every line in Your blogger template,  The line numbering gives more easier way to find errors and keep track your code.


Auto indentation:-  You can easily figure out what’s inside your div tag, or what have you included in a list etc. when you writing some codes in you template your can see auto indentation coming in action. Blogger template editor will automatically put in the spaces in your codes. you can also use the format template option to clean up the indentation of your entire template.  So keep enjoying this new feature.


Code Folding:-  Code folding mean when you are particular peice of code, like a div tag, you can simply fold the code, and not have to look at that large chunk of code.  you can see live demo in screenshot below.

Code Folding 

Syntax highlighting:- I like really like this new feature. which makes your template codes easily readable. The editor will actually color code different objects in your source to make it much more readable.


jump to widget:- i really like this feature too, which make easy way to find particulars section of code in your blogger template editor, code that belong to a widget or gadget. you can use this feature by just clicking on jump to widget button at the top of the Blogger Template HTML Editor, after clicking on this button you can see list of all widgets. This feature helps you in finding any widget which is showing in your template.


Jump to widget

i hope you will find useful and  also like these features. so thanks for reading our post. Tell your opinion about these new features below in comments box. God Bless You.

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Today we talk about facebook new API upate for Monitoring Comments replies. so as you have noticed facebook introduced threaded comments to posts on fan pages, as you know this Feature is very important and use full for fan pages. it made conversations much more organized, and make more  easy way to readable. Just a week after launching comment replies on Facebook, the social network updated its API Wednesday to help brands better monitor and respond to them In a post on its developer blog, Facebook product engineer Alex Madjar says developers can now set up different comment "views" on posts. Using this, you can monitor and respond to comments and replies on your Page.

Updates to the API

This update comments API now provides developers with different 'views' of the comments on your page. There are three basic views; Top Level Comments, Replies and Comment Streams.

Top Level Comments:- These are individual comments to the post itself, and not replied to any comment. This view is called "top level". The comments in this view might be ranked on the basis of their quality, replies, and some other factors.

Replies:- This view, called "replies" fetches replies to an individual comment of a post.

Comment Streams:- "stream" will return all top level comments and their replies in a chronological order, so the top level comments here won't be ranked.

FQL Commands

For Top Level Comments

The first view of the comments on a post is called "top level". The comments that are on the post (and are not replies to individual comments) are called "top level comments." Top level comments may be ranked, depending on the post and the number of top level comments on that post so far.
SELECT id, fromid, time, text, likes

FROM comment

WHERE object_id={object_id} AND parent_id='0'

For Replies
SELECT id, fromid, time, text, likes

FROM comment

WHERE parent_id={comment_id}

For Comments Streams
Another view of the comments on a post is the "stream". The comments "stream" gives all comments (top level and replies to comments) together. The "stream" view provides comments in chronological order, so it's easy for you to just get what's new.
SELECT id, fromid, time, text, likes

FROM comment

WHERE object_id={object_id}


Any Trouble?

Threaded comments only enable on these pages which have 1000+ fans. but don't be silly this option turned on by default all pages after 9 june. so if you have any question you can also read facebook developer blog, also check out the docomentation for this api for the detailed instruction.
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